Sunday, February 2nd
Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Malachi 8:1-4. Hebrews 2:14ff. Luke 2:22-46

All children of the Father are children of His love: Incarnate Love in everything revealed the Father's loving purpose for the sons of men. In humility and obedience My beloved Mother offered Me in love and faithfulness to that which was required by Law. And I was offered to the world for liberation from the tyranny of sin and selfishness and to bring the power of selfless love into the lives of all who seek the Father' will and loving purpose in their lives.

Dedicate your total selves to Love Incarnate and He will lead you into life eternal as you continue faithful. Identify with Me in all things and I will bring you through all pain and suffering and sadness : offer everything to the Suffering Son of Man and He will take and bless your offering.