Sunday, December 28th
Ecc.us 3:2-6. Colossians 3:12-21. Matt. 2:13-15.19-23

Love, the power and glory of the Father, leaped leapt down from Heaven and entered in the body of a woman. Such is the marvel and the mystery of My entering the human world. I, the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, took on the flesh of humankind and, through the love and obedience of My beloved Mother, I lived a human life in every aspect of its nature - in all but one.

And through the model of Our family life a perfect offering is made for living, and for leading children into independence and unselfish service of the Father and community.

Such was the Father's will and loving purpose from the beginning, and He offers this same power and glory to every child of man and to communities, groups and nations. I ceaselessly seek the mind and heart of one and all and call them to the life and ministry of loving.