Monday, July 1st
3:1-8,4:1-12. Matt. 8:23-27

Commitment to the Father's will and loving purpose must be total: nothing less is worthy of His Holy Name. It takes a lifetime to identify all that this means in terms of faithfulness and obedience. But it is the secret of successful living and of maturity and fulfilment in the end.

I, The Way, The Truth, The Life bring all faithfully committed to the Father's will and loving purpose into the fullness of discipleship . The faithful follower finds - as he is obedient in the way and returns to it when he has strayed or fallen - that trust and faith are given as they are sought. All who are in Me and I in them I bring to life eternal in the glorious Presence of the Father. Believe and trust, in all vicissitudes and exigencies.