Thursday , January 10th
1 John 4:19-5:4. Luke 4:14-22

It is in Holy Record that love is the fulfilling of the Law. . But it is so much more than any human heart and mind can ever contemplate. It is also written, " I have said that you are gods ". So every man and woman is divine potential in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love. For love is of the substance and the essence of The Godhead, and it has been the Father's will and loving purpose from the beginning to invite all whom He brings into His beloved world to union with Him : for this I lived a human life and died and rose again , and ceaselessly offer My Eternal Sacrifice for man's redemption . Such is the glorious challenge for the sons of men - to accept Our gift of love and so become one with Us in fellowship with all in faithfulness to Love's unfailing leading and directing.