Friday, May 18th
Acts 15:22-31. John 15: 12-17

I am the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word. And I am His Dynamic Self in His creation from the beginning. Dormant or vibrant in the sons of men I call and invite each child of man to lively, loving and dynamic life in the Kingdom of the Father. That Kingdom is His Presence in the world which He created and is continually creating.

In time I entered human life and humanly lived and worked and taught, related to My family and friends and neighbours. And I died an inhumane and cruel death. But through that death in love and self-giving I redeemed the world. But for that death to be effective in the individual and community it needs must be responded to in love and self-giving. Then can the glorious eternal dance of joyful love begin and progress made with all the redeemed and sanctified towards total participation in the Kingdom of Eternal Love.

Love is infectious and self-reproductive. And the fruits of it enhance and build the Father's glorious Kingdom of eternal, vibrant and dynamic life in time and through eternity.