Sunday, February 27th
Hosea 2:16-17. 21-22 . 2 Cor. 3:1-6. Mark 2:18-22

Trust, trust, and trust again. Depend upon it all will be well and We will lead and guide you into fullness and perfection. Seek the Father's will in all things: We will enlighten, enable and inspire you that you may become and do all the Father purposes and so become Our means of reaching others. I speak to you, I speak to all Our faithful followers in The Way . So has it been from the beginning and shall be till the end of time.

Fear nothing save to fail in faithfulness and commitment. Accept Our discipline as you are led and guided, for it will give you liberty in discipleship, and free you for your service of the Father and your fellowmen . Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice , for love is the reward of all who faithfully travel in the Way through My Abiding Presence .