Friday, April 5th
Jesus said to Peter, "Feed My lambs ….. Tend My sheep ….Feed My sheep"
John 21:15-17

According to the depth and quality of your self-giving will be your service to Our love and loving purpose. And as you welcome and accommodate My Presence at your soul's centre so will the depth and quality increase. Do not be anxious nor think that you can achieve this through your unaided efforts. We will illuminate, empower, direct. Only be faithful to that which you perceive before you as you address yourself to all that lies ahead in daily and hourly activity.

So will My lambs be fed, tended and led, and My sheep who meet you in the way. All who are committed to Our will and purpose are led and guided and empowered in the way to be and do that which the Father wills and purposes.

Be faithful, then, in things both great and small. Align your will lovingly with Ours as you are shown, guided and enabled. So shall you have the peace and joy of all the faithful when time shall end and all is gathered in.